
We’re excited to announce that it’s salad season! Some people may think of salad as daunting or as “rabbit food”. We strongly disagree, salads are a FANTASTIC way to include a ton of nutrients in one sitting.

We have the perfect formula for your next salad:

Base + Protein + Grains + Veggie 1 + Veggie 2 + Veggie 3 + Healthy Fats + Dressing

What’s super cool about salads? You can throw in seasonal fruits too, edgy right?

How to choose your base?

We totally understand how boring lettuce can be in your salad. And, for a lot of people it’s a downer, it always feels like the lettuce takes up your WHOLE salad. So, we are here to tell you that there are definitely other ways to add base to your salad and it doesn’t have to be a whole lot of it either! Substitute your lettuce for dark, leafy greens like:

  • Spinach
  • Rocket
  • Kale

What protein to incorporate?

Protein will help you feel fuller for longer! Here’s how to take your salad from side dish to main meal:

You can’t really go wrong with a chicken salad, and there are so many great ways to prepare salad.

You can always jazz it up by adding different proteins like salmon or tuna as well!

Nuts, beans and cooked & cooled lentils are great options for protein as a vegan alternative.

Hint: Stay away from fried proteins!

Get the Grains

Get some energy by adding some grains to your salad. We recommend adding some healthier carbs to your salad – GRAINS! Here’s what you can add for a boost:

  • Couscous
  • Quinoa


Here’s a secret - you can use both raw and cooked veggies in a salad! It’s all about choosing your favourites! The more colour, the more exciting.

Healthy Fats are a must!

You have got to keep your blood sugar in order. Your body needs healthy fats and here are some great options to include in your salads.

  • Walnuts
  • Chia seeds
  • Avocado

Jazz it up with some balsamic vinegar and voila!