
Easy, healthy on-the-go snacks

Eating healthy forms an integral part of any kind of training program but finding snacks that are both delicious and healthy can often be a challenge. Our own personal trainer, Natasha, says that by snacking, a person can improve their metabolism and keep a good energy level so that they are prepared for training throughout the day. A person should have at least five meals a day, three main meals and two snacks in between. This will train your system to burn the intake, which creates a faster metabolism, which leaves room for your body to have a larger intake to gain more energy. It is important to remember when you are preparing your meals they should be portioned out to the amount of protein, sugar, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins needed to be in each meal and snack.

The importance of snacking

Snacking becomes important when blood glucose levels drop in between main meals due to lack of nutrients. Which means that you won’t feel tired halfway through the day or as if you have no energy left. Snacking will provide your body with the nutrients your body needs to give you energy in the day and during training. By having easy to make healthy snacks that are portable makes it easy for you to stay fit and get the blood flow going.

Some weight gain and bulking snack ideas

·        Mixed nuts provide the body with protein and healthy fat

·        Biltong will provide you with protein, iron and vitamins.

·        Protein shakes and smoothies are portable so you can have it while you are working, shopping or just relaxing.

Some weight maintaining snacks

·        Yoghurt with fruit and cinnamon, a simple snack with both flavour and nutrients.

·        Rice cakes are a good snack if you do not eat gluten, nuts or soy.

·        Hummus and veggies provide a good source of protein and fibre.


Overall, healthy snacking can help your wellbeing, even if you are not training. Remember to portion your meals according to your nutrient’s intake. It is very important not to over- or under-snack as sticking to your portioned snacking will benefit you. If you need help figuring out your snack portions or you do not know where to start, try asking one of our instructors or personal trainers at the gym. If you don’t have time to make a snack you can also stop by Kilojoule Café and try out one of the many smoothies or snacks.