
The roadmap to your fitness journey is often dynamic and a lifelong process. It’s filled with goal setting and a lot of effort to achieve these goals.

Taking a step back to acknowledge your progress is an important part of reaching your full fitness potential. Don't forget to celebrate the little wins too!

We have compiled some key benefits which will help cultivate a rewarding fitness journey.

Fitness is linked to forming healthy habits

During your fitness journey, adopting a healthy, feel-good lifestyle becomes the incentive. Routinely working out and practicing healthy meal planning can be developed into long-term habits, in turn creating a fulfilling lifestyle.

Shaping these habits can be a frustrating experience, but it’s important to remember that change is within your reach! The first step is to simply have a goal in mind, no matter how small you start, all you need is to get the process started.

Is it really ok to reward myself?

All of us want to achieve our goals the quickest way possible – but in reality, there is no quick fix to a healthy lifestyle! Your plans may change and adapt over time, and your end-goal might even change completely as you discover new possibilities.

A healthy reward system is directly linked to your brain releasing feel-good chemicals and building confidence, fitness professionals will also agree to rewarding yourself, within boundaries of course.

Rewards fuel motivation

A focused mindset is fuelled by rewarding yourself when you achieve your goals.Setting up a reward system that works for you will help establish a purpose for your journey.

Rewarding yourself can be anything from a well-deserved cheat meal after a continuous strict eating-plan, a weekend away, or some retail therapy. However, it’s important to keep in mind, rewards should be set up in such a way as not to derail your progress for future goals.


You’ve setup your goals and built up some motivation, but what will drive you to follow through? Consistency and discipline often affect our drive to reach these goals.

We at Body Action Gym recommend an accountability fitness partner, like MyWellness,, exclusive to our members. It is the perfect partner for those who want to raise the bar to another level of connected fitness.

Remember, this isn’t a one size fits all journey, get creative with your rewarding system!

For more professional wellness advice and tips speak to our team today.